18 Oct The Importance of a Domain Name
As they say, “it’s all in a name!”
Companies like Coca-Cola are recognized on a Global platform. All successful companies go to Great Lengths to protect one of the strongest assets the company’s name knowing in a court of law it is viewed as an valuable asset. Asset protection is valuable to thrive in today’s world making the right decisions.
JD Rockefeller’s quote, “control everything and own nothing.”
Successful individuals view privacy as an asset when it all possible keep your name off of public record value your privacy by securing your personal information. The founders at Dream Tank USA well help you to secure the privacy of your personal information when registering your domain and Securing the name the company. The founders will ensure your company name has not been taken and you have not engaged in marketing for someone else’s business. Choose your name wisely, protect your assets. Many famous companies originally had different names. Here are a few examples:
Back rub/Google
Sound of Music/Best Buy
Apple computer/Apple
Research In Motion/BlackBerry
Brad’s drink/Pepsi-Cola
Blue Ribbon Sports/
These companies have gone on to become icons. Allow Dream Tank USA Founders guide you through the steps of success as you embark on this journey.
The entrepreneurial dream is alive and well again thanks to Dream Tank USA.
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